What's a Signature?
A signature is a short piece of text that gets added to the end of each text message. By default, each new TextNow account will have the signature set to Sent free from TextNow.com.
You are welcome to leave this as is, to let your contacts know how you are able to text and call for free. You can also edit the signature to make it much more personal.
- Open your TextNow app and sign in if you aren't signed in already
- Tap the main menu button
in the top-left corner
- Tap the Settings icon
- Tap on Messaging.
- Tap on Signature.
- Enter the text you would like to see here, or leave it blank to remove the signature, and press OK to save.
- Open your TextNow app and sign in if you aren't signed in already.
- Tap the main menu button
in the top-left corner.
- Tap the Settings icon
- Tap Signature.
- Enter the text you would like to see here, or leave it blank to not have any signature, and press the back button to save.
Log into your account and go to the Settings page. Click on Messaging, and from there you can modify or remove the signature.
That's it! You can edit and change your signature as often as you like.